Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tour Begins Friday

So we're leaving for a few weeks of touring on Friday (September 18th) and thought it might be entertaining for us to write about the non-musical/non-work stuff we do when we're on the road. As a band we try to make an effort to put the tourist back in touring wherever we go... eating the local specialties, visiting historic sites/museums, communing with nature, seeking out interesting places to eat and drink, and generally trying to make the most of the few free hours we find on our hands in any given town.

We started doing this from out very first show outside of New York City which was to Boston in December 2006. We swung through my (will's) old stomping grounds on The North Shore of Massachusetts visiting beautiful Singing Beach, eating fried seafood and drinking Sam Adams at Woodman's in Essex and then going on a driving tour of Boston sites from my past. That was how we started touring and we haven't really changed out style since then despite increasingly tighter schedules, more commitments, and just being older and harder to impress. As much as touring probably sounds like a ton of fun, and it is, it's also very hard work and at times can kind of get you down... so we've developed our own way of doing things over the last few years that, for us anyway, keeps it fun and stimulating. This tour is especially exciting because it's been a while since our last lengthy tour and we're visiting a number of cities for the first time as well as some of our all time favorites.

So we'll keep updating the regular band blog about our shows and general exploits but this is the place to come if you want to hear about four dudes making the most of being in an unfamiliar town with not too much time, not too much money, and a big van full of valuable musical instruments to keep an eye on. First stop Washington DC on Friday the 18th... where there's been talk of finally hittng Ben's Chilli Bowl. See you there!

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