They set up a buffet-style system where you choose whatever you want and take it to the cashier up front. Jeremiah had a starter of mixed seasonal fruit salad, followed by a strawberry, banana and yogurt parfait and almond granola. Jeremiah was blown away by the freshness of the raw fruits (admittedly the first raw, unprocessed food he’s had this entire trip) and swears that it saved his life.

Will also had the mixed seasonal fruit salad, as well as an entrĂ©e of raw baby carrots, garlic hummus, and flour tortilla. Will had never stepped foot into a Walmart before, and was pleasantly surprised that he didn’t hate it (although he still disagrees with it on principle). He did have a gripe that the peaches were sourced from California, an appalling prospect for any visitor to the state of Georgia. We therefore boycotted those fruit.

Gavin had the Italian cold-cut wrap with a Subway coffee. I had no idea that Subway sold coffee; Gavin said it tasted like Ramen noodles. But the wrap, he said, was pleasantly spicy.

I had a roast beef sandwich, which was admittedly bland and awful, even with the aid of a packet of Walmart-brand mayonnaise. I had a delicious vine-ripened tomato sprinkled with a packet of iodized salt, and a container of pineapple spears, which I could not finish because I was so full. They were so delicious. They also made my mouth kind of numb and tingly, which Jeremiah and Will assures me is a sign of a pineapple allergy. They have advised against further ingestion of pineapples lest I suffer death.

The seating arrangement was less than ideal. We were seated at the benches at the entrance of the store, which, although made for good people-watching, also lead to an incident in which a strange man asked me to watch his messenger bag while he “got something” from the store. We all thought it was a bomb until he came back and thanked me and left. I figured he had something stolen in the bag and was uneasy about going through the detectors once more, lest he get caught by the old Chinese woman who was at once store Greeter and security guard. All in all, a surprisingly good eating establishment. Cheers.

Oh, by the way, if you were wondering why we didn’t have a food review for last night, it’s because we ate at famed spot The Varsity here in Atlanta. It was horrible. It deserves no review, no pictures. After several encounters with the homeless here in Atlanta, Jeremiah declared this city “DC on crack.” Same with the food at The Varsity. Oh, Ben’s Chili Bowl, how we miss you.
whoa, will went in a walmart?