We drive down Somerset’s main road and there she is in all her silver glory: a diner straight out of the 50’s.

It could be in any town in any Main Street, USA. Oh, but the food! The food is the stuff of dreams.
We sit down at a corner booth to relive the experience. Our sassy waitress plays a practical joke on Will and confiscates his camera. Hilarious.

Gavin gets the Scrapyard, which is a heap of potatoes and homemade scrapple smothered with cheese. It’s enormous.

Jeremiah gets a full stack of pancakes and a side of freshly ground sausage.

Will and I get burgers, his plain and mine with mushrooms, Swiss and bacon. I also get fries and a cup of beef and vegetable soup. He gets a bowl of the same soup. Everything is amazing, just like we remembered.

Honestly, this is the best diner in the whole world. So yummy.
Will and Jeremiah even indulge in dessert. A slice each of cherry and blackberry pies. Flakey crusts, gooey yet fresh fillings.

We polish everything off. Gavin’s getting pretty good at eating faster and in larger quantities. Kudos to you, Gav!

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